Saturday, January 23, 2010


1st day in Japan!

I arrived safe and sound after an uneventful couple of flights. I even had a smooth transition to japanese cuisine with pork shoga yaki and it's rice and vegetables for lunch, accompanied by a very french camembert slice.

At Narita airport I took the "limousine bus" to Yokohama, with a great view of Tokyo's Disneyland and of all the shipping facilities along the coast. I met Dhugal at Yokohama and he showed me which trains to take to get to Oppama. The town is in 3 main parts: the docks, with JAMSTEC squeezed in, the shopping, banking and office area, and then lots of little residential areas, all clustered around the feet of the little hills surrounding the office district. We had lunch it a cute little restaurant, and I did not do badly at all with the chopsticks. Dhugal is really a very nice guy, and I'm sure he will be fun to work with.

The house I'm in is about half-way up one of these hills, and you have to wander down narrow little alleys and stairways to get there. It's very nice, as nearly all the fences are polished wood, and all the trees are pruned into shapes.
My room in itself is actually biggger than I thought it would be. And I like the house very much, as it has a very japanese style to it.

A very fun day today, but the trip was quite exhausting. I hope to be able to appreciate things better tomorrow.


  1. Tu es donc bien arrivée ! J'ai pensé à toi pendant ce si long trajet en avion. Les photos sont très sympas, et ta chambre est plutôt grande, avec une grande fenêtre, ce doit être appréciable.
    J'ai hâte de voir d'autres images.

    Bises, à bientôt,
    Iza & Ben.

  2. Hi Mary!
    I'm glad to see that you arrived in Japan without troubles.
    The neighbourhood and your room seem so lovely. I can't wait to see more pictures and to hear about your japanese adventures!
    Take care.

