Friday, February 19, 2010


The week-end has arrived, with real sunlight! All day long, too, not just the one hour of sun we usually get in the morning. And it is actually quite pleasant out.

Today was my big shopping expedition! Dhugal has invited me to a party at his house next week, and that seemed like a good enough excuse to go and investigate the big shopping center at Kanazawa-hakkei.

I did not visit much but the little bit of town I did see was very nice. There is a small built-up bay with pleasure boats in it, and lots of small jetties between the appartment houses. There is also the cutest little shrine on the cutest little island I have ever seen. You get to it down a little gravel path and a cross a little red wooden bridge, everything lined with very old pruned trees. The main temple is actually across the road from the little shine, but they had a ceremony going on so I didn't go there. Also to see in the bay is the bridge of the Kanazawa sea-side train line, that starts at Kanazawa-hakkei and goes a little way up the coast. The ride must be quite fun, going out over the water on a tiny little bridge like that.

The shopping center was very big and very nice, with lots of different shops inside it and the expedition was a complete success. I even found a nice little book store where I purchased my first japanese book : book 1, volume 1, for children 1 to 3 years old (that's me), with a free alphabet poster. I have so far deciphered how to say Koala : ko-a-ra. Neat! Soon I will be able to go to a zoo in all confidence.

So untill something else interesting happens,