Tuesday, September 28, 2010


My first small japanese class came with a homestay program, which turned out to be a wonderful experience. I had some doubts about this as first, as I am very shy.

The host family were very fun and they have a cute little cocker spaniel. I spent my afternoons learning about food, mostly, as the host mother loves to cook. My homework will be to have to try all of these recipes out for myself! We even went to an orchard to pick japanese pears. The pears look like brown apples, are the size of a small grapefruit and have very firm and sweet flesh. Very very tasty.

When not eating we spent a lot of time in Tokyo, going window shopping in all the chic areas. But also went to a very nice aquarium near their house in Chiba.

I was also very happy with the japanese classes (I will be continuing in the Yokohama branch of the same school). So all in all it was a wonderful experience that ended all too soon.

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