Friday, February 24, 2012

Total Japan _ cityside

The Total Kanagawa, Half Kanto, Teenie Weenie Bit of Japan Experience
_ Part 2 _

As even most Japanese have never heard of the Kominatotetsudo line, it would be unfair to state that it is the exclusive Total Japan Experience. After all, most Japanese history did not take place in the middle of Boso peninsula. Most ancient history did not, in fact, take place in Tokyo either, but... that is where we are heading now!

Tokyo Station

Everyone knows copper is orange-coloured, but copper domes ought to be turquoise, and it just doesn't look right to have them copper-coloured!

Then, scaling down a bit, we have Yokohama.

Then, scaling down quite a bit more, we get Yokosuka,

... and Kamakura.

But at the end of the day, it is still much more fun to tie up your boots for a family stroll up Takatoriyama!

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