Sunday, June 10, 2012

More Tansei maru

We've done ane re-done the Tansei maru in safe and local Sagami Bay,
and we've done the Tansei maru off of possibly a little less safe Fukushima,
so for a change we decided to add the active volcano element, and start a cruise out of Kagoshima.

Kagoshima is an absolutely beautiful town.

But it does have one negative point: it happens to be located downwind from Sakurajima, an actice volcano,

Sometimes even quite active.

And there it goes again....

After a short delay caused by an incoming typhoon, we were all roaring to leave beautiful Kagoshima, and get out to sea where we could finally wash all the ash off the ship.

Pumice bobbing around in Kagoshima port

The cruise went very well for everyone except the group whose idea it had beed to do the cruise in the first place.

Despite having spent a lot of time getting plankton pumps installed aboard the contraption carrying the VPR, they discovered there just were'nt enough particles down at 1000m to catch anything at all during the one hour alloted. But last I head they were making plans about how to improve things and go back next year.

Not for me, though, as I have had more cruises than I think is really wise, and although I am endlessly grateful to Nishikawa-san and Dhugal for getting me all this ship time, I do not think I'd have the courage to do it all again next year!

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