Monday, July 13, 2015


The small resort I was staying at was conveniently propped up in the middle of a huge mangrove swamp, and I was lulled to sleep every night by the popping of the little crabs and the chirping of the geckos in residence outside my windows.

The mangroves extend to the sea on both sides, with huge, magnificent mangrove trees.

And some giant crabs, too.

A quick walk down the road leads to the causeway connecting Lelu Island with the rest of Kosrae,

and the best view of the Sleeping Lady.

There is also an old rusted barge that ran aground and is now too much trouble for anyone to remove.

Further along is the site of the Lelu ruins. An important cultural and economic capital for the Pacific Islands about 500 years ago, many of the shaped basalt walls and roads of the royal complex are still visible, despite much active overgrowing by the neighbouring jungle.

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