Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Japanese curios

A photo of the JAMSTEC headquarters where I work. It's a bit like everything else around here. The buildings are all of the square white type, but the gardens are laid out with small paved paths running amongst the shaped trees and standing stones. There are also more sports facilities than I've seen in a while : a pool, volleyball and football fields, tennis courts, ping pong tables... All that for the 45 minutes beween the end of lunch and 1pm, when the loudspeakers play Big Ben for the end of the pause.

This evening, someone brought sweets to the lab, and so I got to taste... sweet bean patties filled with jam. They are not at all as bad as you might think. They mostly taste of honey, and not at all of beans. Still, I think I'll stick with the salty bean crackers. So far, everything I've had here has been very good. Unfortunately I'm not sure what most of it is, and I would not know how to actually make it.

Life here really is different from what I'm used to. The shuttle bus was a bit late tonight, so everyone was waiting outside for it. All in a row. Even when the bus was pulling up outside the main door the people would come out and walk in front of the bus in order to get to the back of the queue. Also when the bus arrives at the station people will stay in their seat untill all the rows in front of them are clear before getting up. And of course, everyone walks down the left side of the sidewalk, and stands on the left side on escalators. I tend to forget that every time I go outside....

And finally, a little note on the toilets. The ones at the guest house are the "simple" ones, with only a heated seat. At JAMSTEC, you have this choice :

Actually the one on the right is quite safe if you make sure you don't touch any of the buttons.

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