Friday, August 9, 2013

Okushiri Island

Down from the central moutains of Hokkaido, and off on a short ferry ride to Okushiri Island, on the south-western coast.

The island is famous for having been largely destroyed in a big tsunami in 1993, and for its sea urchins, which is what this blue statue is.

Swimming off Okushiri - i.e. in the Japan Sea, one of the coldest seas in the world. It was not, actually, that cold, but one would not call it warm.

The sea squirt experience!
It's not at all as bad as it looks, in fact, and mostly tastes like strips of gelatin dipped in sea water. Why anyone would want to eat sea-water soaked gelatin is not clear, of course. But now I can proudly say yes, I have eaten ascidian, should the question ever arise (it actually has, several times).

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