Friday, September 23, 2011


Autumn has come at last!
Finished the hot swealtering days, and into some good proper autumn weather! Turns out there is nothing better than a monstrous typhoon to get the weather sorted out, and we now have a mix of showers and sunny spells, rather than ongoing 85% humidity. And a wonderful cool breeze, which has luckily decreased in intensity since Wednesday when the typhoon came over us and was actually blowing people off their feet.

Geology at work in Kannonzaki

Kannonzaki is right at the south-eastern end of Uraga peninsula, and it must have been quite impressive on Wednesday! There was plastic and styrofoam bits more than 10 meters above sea level, and the forests are littered with broken branches and fallen trees.

Today, the weather was overcast, with the most beautiful lighting out over Tokyo bay and onto Chiba peninsula on the other side. The sea was an interesting mix of crystal clear water on crystal clear sand, and, a bit further on, meters and meters of seaweed and plastic trash both on the beach and in the water.

The fish, at least, seemed happy, as they were jumping out of the water all over the place, and I even saw several schools of what look remarquably like fugu.

I am told they are extremely rare (because of overfishing), and, as I saw these right outside a fishing village, they are most likely not.

It has been such a swift turn of weather, that many of the plants have gone from green summer foliage to dead, so I'm not sure whether there will be much autumn colours viewing this year.

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